1. Seeing my little 2 year old look up sideways with such admiration and love at her oldest brother. "I wanna sit by you." Such a special relationship they have always had, will always have with eachother.
2. My skinny little 4yo who put all his strength into helping me shovel ice and snow from the driveway - so determined to be a masculine helper and savior to his momma.
3. A good book
4. For things like in-laws and formal gatherings that remind me how much I need the grace of God.
5. A husband who wanted to take me to a dressy work-related event; but chose, instead, to take my introverted, tired self to dinner and a movie instead - I think that made my week.
6. Dark chocolate. I know it's petty, but I love it and am thankful for it.
7. Good friends who force me out of my shell, and make me comfortable with the uncomfortable.
I don't think that it is petty to be thankful for dark chocolate. Besides the fact that it is soooo good, it also is a small treat and blessing. Even a quick moment with a square, or in my case, a bar of dark chocolate can be a lift God uses during a rough day. Just a thought. Your blog is great. I really appreciate how real and honest you are in your writing!