Wednesday, February 9, 2011


How do things get so off-track so quickly?  And why does it seem, after being completely de-railed, so impossible to get back on-track?

Over the past few days I've fought with my husband, saying some of the worst things. . .  I've lost countless hours of restorative sleep. . .  Pockets-full of opportunites to teach my children lost to cleaning, cooking, sleeping. . .  Every goal all but forgotten. . .

"I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten."  ~Joel 2:25

How 'bout the mere days?  Can I repent and have them restored?  Can I get that time - those opportunites back?  Will God pick me up and put me back on track - push me along - get me going again?  I need a jump start.

I want a Dr. Pepper, a good book, some time alone. . .

All I need is Him - His grace, forgiveness, voice, arms. . .

"Lord, forgive me - forgive me my careless, heartless words; my innaction and wrong priorities; my failure to let You lead; my obstinacy. . .

"Lord, help me - help me to shut my mouth and open my heart and ears, my schedule and agenda, my life. . .

"Lord, guide me - guide me through life, marriage and parenting, and the nitty-gritty details of keeping house and teaching children that so often trip me up. . .

"Lord, restore - restore not just time and opportunity, but love and kindness - virtue. . ."

All is not lost.  Every goal need not be swept away to begin again.  God can put me back on track right where I came off.  I can start fresh, with Him, right now.  I can keep on, allowing Him to change me, to use me in spite of my weaknesses.  He can and will restore - right now.

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